SDLC, Phases and task ownership – Pre-Construction Phase / Design Phase (3)

Continuing the previous two articles:

SDLC, Phases and task ownership – Inquiry / Investigation Phase…(1) and

SDLC, Phases and task ownership – Inception / Initiation Phase (2) 

here is the  Pre-Construction / Design phase. This phase starts after the inception phase. In general, it can be started when the ERS (Engineering requirement specifications) and the project plan are complete and resources are available. It can also be called as the design phase.

Step 1: Functional Specification

Create the prototype of the project, in most cases the GUI

Ownership / Responsibility: Software Engineer


Step 2: Design

Create the design for the software product

Ownership / Responsibility: Software Engineer


Step 3: Review

Optional step: Send customer for their feedback. Should be executed if the project has high technical level or if there is feeling that the requirements are somewhat not quite clear.

Development team must not follow customer’s technical suggestion if it is not the only solution.

Ownership / Responsibility:· Project Manager/Development Manager, Customer


Step 4:  Update plan

Update documents and plan if step 3 was done and there is critical feedback from customer. In this case step 3/4 should be repeated until misunderstood requirements are cleared.

Ownership / Responsibility:· Project Manager/Development Manager, Customer

The documents to be produced at the end of this phase are: Functional Specification (or Prototype), Design Document (DD), updated Project Plan (PP).

More in next blog entry…..

November 1, 2007 · Rahul Desai · No Comments
Posted in: Project Management, Software Engineering

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