Sydney Business and Technology User Group

Craig Bailey and Talman Pty. Ltd. have taken the initiative to start a new users group “Sydney Business and Technology User Group”, basically the group is an outcome of the conversion of the Sydney Visual FoxPro users group (yet another instance of people converting from VFP to something else……it is not only related to applications anymore…even the user groups are getting converted….!!!!   joking ).

The first meeting was held yesterday (30th May 2007) and it all looked quiet interesting….all the details available from the SBT UG website:

A must attend user group if you are interested in knowing about various technologies at a higher overview level. All information available on the website.

Congratulations Craig, on a successful launch of the user group, I look forward to seeing you there next month (and every month beyond that….). Best wishes.

May 30, 2007 · Rahul Desai · No Comments
Posted in: General, Talman news, Visual Foxpro

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