Make sure your CRM 2011 customizations will work with the upcoming cross browser release


The good news is that if you have already followed the guidance in the CRM 2011 SDK regarding what’s supported in terms of customizations using web resources, then your customizations should continue to work after applying the update once it is released.  The CRM team has already done the work to validate that going through supported APIs works with the update.  The bad news is that sometimes people implement unsupported customizations, without understanding that what they’ve done is not supported.  Often times, they find a way to do something on a blog.  However, the blogger doesn’t make it clear that while the approach “works” it isn’t supported.  The resources above will help you identify and fix those kinds of issues in your code.  Please read these resources carefully, understand the potential impact to your customizations, and test appropriately.

Make sure your CRM 2011 customizations will work with the upcoming cross browser release – Gold Coast – Site Home – MSDN Blogs

January 31, 2013 · Rahul Desai · No Comments
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