Microsoft/Power-BI-Solution-Template on GitHub, details and link as below.
The solution template contains a secure, scalable and extensible Sales Management dashboard for analysis. It is an end-to-end solution including Scribe’s cloud-based ETL platform, a cloud or on-premise database, and polished Power BI reports (including a security model derived from your own Dynamics CRM instance).
The key highlights of the template are:
- Get head start with pre-built data models for Sales Management analytic dashboards
- Use an intuitive wizard based UI to setup and customize data integration
- Gain enterprise grade performance by processing large data volumes from Dynamics CRM
- Optimize data integration with incremental data extraction capability
The Power BI Sales Management Solution Template reduces the time to implement a Power BI solution on Dynamics CRM or Salesforce.
Two deployment options are available depending on customer requirements. Both approaches benefit from fast ETL loads with incremental updates. Where they differ is where the model and data reside.
May 19, 2016
Rahul Desai ·
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Tags: Dynamics CRM, Microsoft, Power BI, Rahul Desai · Posted in: Dynamics CRM, Microsoft, Tools, Tips & Utilities